James Fallon
I’m James, an applied meteorology researcher with interests in music, maths and nature. Welcome to my personal website!

You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time. Angela Davis
about my research
I studied for a PhD in the Energy‑Meteorology group, University of Reading. My thesis looks at resilient system design for reserve power systems, and demonstrates that predictable periods of surplus capacity can be used to support the wider electricity grid. Read it for yourself here!
In between starting and finishing my PhD, I also took part in the S2S4E project. Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts, make predictions weeks-months into the future, using slowly evolving sources of skill including large scale weather patterns. To use these forecasts effectively, it is necessary to anticipate and plan for different possible (and sometimes oppositely trending) outcomes.
My undergraduate background is in physics, and in 2019 I completed my Masters research project developing a novel technique for quantifying the linearity of the cloud-reflectivity aerosol response. In 2018 I completed a summer research project at the China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, writing software for the analytical modelling of ground source heat pumps.